If you can check most of these items ahead of time, it could save closing cost fees by possibly eliminating extra fees for a final inspection, and also save time in getting your loan closed.

  • Make sure the utilities are on before the appraiser arrives (i.e., water, gas, electricity, etc.). We are required to check and see items that utilize the utilities actually working.
  • Make sure the furnace works and is operable.
  • Make sure if the hot water tank is not in the basement that it has a discharge pipe which extends to within six inches of the floor.
  • Make sure all crawl space access doors can be found and opened.
  • Make sure all attic areas are accessible; we need to be able to see corner to corner.
  • Install handrails on all stairs with three or more steps.
  • Make sure all gutters have downspouts and the extenders are on to direct the water away from the house.
  • Scrape and paint all peeling exterior and interior paint. In the winter, when it is too cold, this condition can be escrowed until spring.
  • Repair all broken windows.
  • Repair or replace all uneven or badly cracked hazardous concrete or asphalt including public sidewalks. The word hazardous refers "trip hazard." If you can catch your shoe on the walk with a normal walking gate, then the sidewalk or driveway surface needs repaired. Use appropriate repair materials. "Mud jacking" uneven concrete can be less costly.
  • Make sure if the roof appears older, is missing shingles, or the shingles are damaged or curled, that the roof does not leak, and is certifiable to withstand at least two more years of wear.
  • Make sure there are no leaking pipes or dysfunctional plumbing.
  • Make sure there is no exposed wiring or dysfunctional wiring.

These are the most common issues found on an FHA appraisal. The property does not need to be brought up to "code" but it does need to be safe and livable. If you have questions about other issues you may be concerned with, don't hesitate to call us. Also you may go to the FHA Website located on our links page.